Summer has arrived! We have been so fortunate that the Texas heat has not arrived yet. So we have been enjoying the cooler than normal temperatures.
Every morning when we go to feed the cattle our newest baby along with momma come to the fence together for their morning feeding. Such a precious sight. We feel so honored to be raising our Wagyu herd. Seeing the growth of the cows is such a wonderful site.
Next week we will be saying goodbye to our number 50 bull. He is such a gentle bull. From birth to mature animals is a great experience. Watching number 50 grow up has been a truly exciting experience. He has such a warm, gentle nature and we always look forward to seeing, and greeting him in the morning. When he leaves the ranch we will be sad and happy for him to continue his next stage of life. So long 50, you will be missed.
Preparing for winter seems strange in summer, however we have all our hay stacked and waiting for the colder months. So important to prepare, prepare and prepare again. Building up the infrastructure of a ranch is an ongoing task, be it putting in additional water lines, and building more fences to outside sheds. We understand that the building up our ranch never stops with one project it goes on and on. The cycle of living a ranch life is different from many other ways of life. We are grateful that ranching has been a natural next step for us. We love caring for all of our animals.
Within the next few weeks we will have new babies and we are excited about our new arrivals. Like any new “parent”, watching over the new ones is a 24 hour watch duty. Calling us caring breeders is something we are proud to wear. More pictures will follow with our new little ones.