Top Wagyu semen

LMR Mayura 0365H FB61616 Mainichi 0365H in US AWA. From BDRCC herd experience this is game changing genetics!. Very nice smaller calves with steady growth. The sire is the great Mayura L0010 (FB45043) and the dam is LMR Ms Itoshigenami 3525A (FB18168). IMF is incredible at Top 1%, wityh Carcass Weight at Top 7%, Eye Muscle Top 4%, Marble Score Top 3%, Marble fineness, Top 29%, Selfe Replacing Index Top 11%, Breeder/Feeder Index, Top 4%.

Kevinhanafuji 9106 FB3620 Takada (Shimane) Line. Grandsire is Itohana which is one of the hightest marbeling sons from Dai 7 Itozakura.The Dam is Haruki II/Suzutani. Suzutani is one of the top rated Wagyu cows outside of Japan. Known for Large Frame, Milk Production, Good Growth.

Shidoosha FB4464 Tajima Line. Sired by the great Michifuku which was previously the #1 marbeling bull in the United States. The Dam is Fujiko which is the first full blood born in the US. This is one of the most influential blood lines in the Wagyu world! Fujiko cloning rights sold in 2012 for $26,000. Shidoosha brings strong growth rates and good marbeling from his Haruki II/Okutani heritage.

LMR Itoshigenomi 0397H FB73107 Shogun in US AWA. Sired by Itoshigenai TF14 with breeding by Kitaguni Jr who ranks Top 1% in Marbling of all Wagyu bulls outside of Japan and has a Marble Score of 3.0 and is in the Top 3% for Marble Fineness. 0397s sire is the sire of Mayura Itoshigenami Jr and the grand sire of Mayura L0010. 0397s dam, LMR Ms Kitaguni 8168U has produced steers that graded between 39% and 45% IMF. 0397H is 66% Tajima.

Kitaguni Jr. FB2422 Tajima, Kedaka, and Fujiyoshi (Shimane) Lines.  Sired by Kitaguni 7/8. FB581, winner of all Japan carcass contest. 65 percent graded 9+ on the Australian scale [grading above 12.9 on a numerical scale, which is three full grades above the highest USDA grade of Prime. Kitaguni JR is #8 in marbeling in Japan. Kitaguni JR produces an abundance of marbeling and is the grandson of Dai7 and Itozakura, a famous line in Japan. 

Hanshoku 9066 FB2983 Takada and Tajima Line. Full brother to World K’s Shigeshigetani and was sired by Haruki II one of the key Tajima bulls exported to the United States. Hanshoku is a trait leader in the Australian Breedplan in gestation length, weights, and milk genetics. He also provides excellent marbeling due to his Haruki II/Suzutani heritage. Both sire and dam are foundation genetics from Japan. Hanshoku’s genetics are very stong with IMF of Top 15%, Fat Top 10%, Ribeye Top 15%, all representative of the parent’s breeding carried forward.

LMR Mainichi 0365H FB61616. Sired by Mayura L0010 who is taking the Wagyu world by storm with respect to breeding Top of herd in all categories. 0365 ranks Top 1% of all bulls outside of Japan with Marble score of 2.9, Eye Muscle is 10.1, Wagyu Breeders Index is $290, SRI $317, FTI $279, and F1T $268. He also ranks in the Top 5% in Marbling Fineness. The dam is equally powerful; LMR Itoshigenami TF148. She ranks in the Top 1% for ribeye with 11.2, and ranks top 2% in Marble Score 2.5. 0365 is 71% Tajima.

Hirashige 170P FB5317  Tajima, Kedaka Line. Hirashigetayasu J2351 and  TF Kikuhana bloodlines are great for weight and growth. Australian Breedplan rates Hirashige a leader in milk production genetics. Excellent marbeling is produced through this bull.

Mr Shigifuku 004 FB30892 Kedaka and Tottori.Shigifuku J1822is the only line bred Kedaka bull of those originally imported to the Unites States from Japan. Shigifuku is 75% Kedaka and 25% Tottori and never left Japan. Only his semen came to the US through Australia. Shigifuku J1822 weighed 1735 lbs at 23 months and is estimated to weigh around 2400 lbs at full growth. This lineage represents the only 100% Kedaka/Tottori bull with genetics in the US. According to the Australian Wagyu Association there has been a move over the past 10 years in Japan back to larger framed and balanced growth sires of the Kedaka line. This trend is why the Kedaka cow is valued about all others in Japan.

LMR Mayura 0549H FB73108. Sired , by Mayura L0010 who is taking the Wagyu world by storm with respect to breeding Top of herd in all categories. 0365 ranks Top 1% of all bulls outside of Japan with Marble score of 2.9, Eye Muscle is 9.4, Wagyu Breeders Index is $244, SRI is $284, FTI is $264, F1T is $267. 0549 ranks in the Top 3% for Marble Fineness. 0549 is 68% Tajima.

Shigeshigetani 510 FB12276 Takada and Tajima Line. 510’s sire, World K’s Shigeshigetani was bred by Haruki II and is one of the most influential bulls in the industry today. Shigeshigetani is the half brother to Sanjirou who is #3 in marbeling in the United States. According to the World K’s study, 3800 F1 calves had an average daily growth of 2.156 fed for 540 days. Of these calves, 90% graded 3 full grades above the USDA highest grade of prime and 10% graded prime+ and Prime++.

PB25607 BSW Okuduji 9. Homozygus Polled Wagyu Semen.  Parents of this bull are 10S (PB6719) which is of the World K’s Takazura (VA 8 for SCD and Tenderness) and the Dam is Miss FPI 28 (PB6511) which is of the World K’s Michifuku lineage.  Michifuku is considered by many to be the best bull to ever leave Japan.  Michifuku was formerly the number one marbling bull in the U.S. Wagyu Sire Summary, and consistently ranks second in ribeye area (REA) and fourth in backfat thickness (EPD). This bull will give increased carcass size over traditional Fullblood Wagyu while keeping the marbleing and meat quality; with NO HORNS.

World K’s LMR Michifuku 3500A FB17483. Looking for classic world class breeding? 3500A’s maternal grandsire is Shigeshigenami J10632 who is the sire of Itoshigenami TF148 and famous throughout the Japan Wagyu industry. 3500A offers Top 1% Eye Muscle ranking at an incredible 10.8, Top 20% in Mable Fineness with WBI of $202, SRI, $227, FTI $170, and F1T $170. 3500A is 65.6% Tajima.

Kimifuku 117 FB16469 Kobe Hyogo Region in Japan.  Kimifuku 117 is the outcome of very impressive breeding of Itomoritaka J2703 on the Sire side and Kimifuku and Michifuku on the Maternal side.  The Coefficient of Inbreeding is .039% which means this is an outcross bull for a large percentage of Wagyu outside of Japan. The Michifuku side of the breeding offers top marbling, top ribeye and top backfat scores as Michifuku was at one time the #1 Marbling bull in the US, 2nd in Ribeye score, and 4th in backfat thickness (EPD Score). The Itomoritaka side of the breeding combines larger frame size, early growth and maternal qualities such as milk production.

Delta Revolution (Australian Registration) DELTQ111 (FB84946). A nice outcross for most herds in the US. This Australian genetics has everything you could want to move your herd along. This semen has really nice lineage. The sire is Sumo Cattle Co MIchifuku F154 and the dam is Delta Itoshigenami M217. Both are well suited as breeding heritage. Delta Revolution is top of the line in genetics characteristics: IMF Top 25%, Marble Score Top 25%, Marble Fineness Top 15%, Eye Muscle Top 10%, Carcass Weight Top 32%, Birth Weight Top 1%,

Sumo Cattle Company Shikikan FB46418 SMFN0211. An upcomer in the world of genetics from Australia. Personal experience with this genetics show it produces smaller calves in the range from 38-48 lbs but good solid growth going forward; see heifer 046 picture in our Cows and Heifers for Sale section. Extremely well balanced as shown by both the American and Australian Wagyu Associations; IMF Top 3% Fat Top 20%, Total Maternal Top 35%,Birth Weight Top 6%, Weaning Weight Top 23%, Yearly Weight Top 25%, Carcass Weight Top 8%, Marble Score Top 10%, Marble Fineness Top 4%, Milk Top 20%,

Delta Ito (Delta Evolution) FB46417 DELFN0095. Outstanding genetics from Australia. The sire to Delta Ito (Delta Elevate in Australia) is the famous Peppermill Grove L0013 (FB46416) and his dam is DWA Delta Itozurudoi L250 FB46411). Some of Delta Ito genetics breeding characteristics are: IMF Top 30%, Carcass Weight Top 25%, Eye Muscle Top 30%, Marble Fineness Top 30%, Self Replacing Index Top 1`8%.


DWA Delta Ito Jnr N0095 FB46417 (Austrailian Genetics) X BH Rosey FB25291

LMR Mayura 0365H (Mainichi 0365H in US AWA FB61616) X LDZ22D (FB27284) LDZ Zekaqru 22D

Shidoosha FB4464 X JC Ruehana 137 FB18866

World K’s Kitaguni Jr. FB2422 X JC Ruehana 137 FB 18866

LMR Itoshigenami 0397H (Shogun in US AWA FB73107) X UFR Sheza TF Kikuhana 50D FB23279)

Kevinhanafuji FB3620 X Utusufuku 404C FB22589

Hirashige FB6008 X Shigefuku FB30893

Shigeshigetani 510 FB12276 X Utsufuku 404c FB2258

Kevinhanafuji FB3620 X PPP Ms Noche 100F FB38360

LMR Itoshigenami 0397H (Shogun in US AWA FB73107) X PPP Ms Noche 100F FB38360

Hanshoku FB2983 X TWW590WJ Ness FB76713

LMR Itoshigenami 0397H (Shogun in US AWA FB73107) X LDZ22D (FB27284) LDZ Zekaqru 22D

TF Itohana 2 FB12962 X LMR Ms Kitaguni 1252Y FB13108 (Sire: World K’s Kitaguni Jr)

Mayura L0010 ET FB45043 X LMR Kitaguni 6328D FB24915 (Sire: World K’s Kitaguni Jr)

Takamichi DOI FB7970 X Haruki Nami B266 (Sire: World K’s Haruki 2)

World K’s Kitaguni Jr. FB2422 X BH Rosey FB25291

Mayura L0010 FB45043 X EF Hoshishige A11 FB18717

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