Hot weather has hit Texas early this summer with temperatures well over 102 degrees almost daily. The bulls and cows found all the available shade and the ponds provided ample water during this very hot spell.
During all this hot weather we had five calves born. As soon as they were old enough two claves along with their mommas were shipped to Colorado. The remaining calves have formed such a bond, and its fun to watch them run, chase and play with each other.
In early June we did our annual pasture rotation. We moved our “girls” to the bigger pasture and moved the “boys” to the smaller pasture. We also moved our selected bulls and heifers to another separate smaller pastures for breeding. We love moving the cattle. All the cattle were so eager to move to new pastures. They all seem happy with their new homes. .
Breeding season has started. We have taken a couple of acres to breed some of our available heifers with our amazing bulls We are so excited to be able to use new genetics for our next generation of calves. Breeding is such an exciting extension to growing our business. It takes a lot of time, research, and finding the right data to increase the size, marbling and other characteristic that we are enhancing to increase the quality of our breeding stock.