Before we exit 2022, I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We are so thankful for such a great year. We would like to thank all our customers for doing business with us. This year we have sold Wagyu Breeding stock coast-to-coast. We are so excited for our customers to be on their way to the “Love of Wagyu experience”. Our goal is to ensure each and every customer is successful. Steve has spent many nights sharing with customer’s, our best practices, and working on their next steps in their breeding programs. Success is not only for us, but also for our customers.
Hello 2023:
We are excited to start 2023. One of bulls will be leaving soon for Southlake Texas. We will miss him, but he will be going to a great home and Wagyu breeding program. We have our breeding plan in place for this year and will have babies before we know it. Spent this last year designing the ranch to be more effective in our breeding directions. We have had numerous ranch visitors, which is always a treat.
We were so fortunate to have our kids and grandkids come to the ranch during the holidays. Family is so important for us and to spend time is another one of those blessings.
As always, we had one new dog and new cat decide to make the ranch their home. I can’t say our new residents overjoyed me, but I also feel that God is asking us to share our home with our little friends/family. Stay tuned for more information to come.
Happy New Year to Everyone.